Какое животное австралийцы называют the hopping animal. Описать любое австралийское животное на англиском. Подготовка к активной познавательной деятельности

There are many animals in Australia that you cannot see anywhere else. Did you know that? Of course, you did! I personally divide Australian animals into three categories: the good, the bad, the ugly. I think, it"s reasonable.

Talking of the good animals, we should mention kangaroos in the first place.

There are many different types of kangaroo. The biggest are the great grey kangaroos. They are 213 centimetres tall and can run at 56 kilometres per hour. Some run from you then stop and stare. Though we have put kangaroos in the «Good» category, farmers might disagree.

Wombats and koalas have many similarities and are probably related. Both have pockets inside their mouths to store food and neither has a tail. The number of koalas is getting smaller. This is partly because of fumes from bush fires. Rescue teams help the koalas by catching them, putting them on respirators, then returning them to their original location when they are better. Australia also has a lot of native marsupial mice that live in the desert. Many of these only come out at night.

You know, there are many animals that are «unpopular» in Australia including spiders which are dangerous. You can find these in Sydney. If they are hungry, they will attack anything that moves. They have sharp teeth and poison. Luckily, there is an antidote if you can get to hospital quickly. There have been 12 deaths since 1927.

Another animal with sharp teeth and a fatal bite is the shark. However, there are normally a lot of beach patrols and protective nets to stop these from eating you for breakfast. Other animals that are a problem for beach lovers are jellyfish. They look like bubbles of blue bubble gum and they have a painful sting therefore people do not swim when there are many in the water. Other «unpopular» animals include dingoes. These are a cross between wolves and dogs. They are unpopular because they eat farmers" animals.

Now what about the ugly animals? A word that people often use to describe a cane toad is ugly! Other words include fat, noisy and disgusting. They are also as big as footballs! The Queensland Government brought cane toads to Australia to eat cane beetles. Unfortunately cane toads can"t fly but cane beetles can. Now the toads are more of a problem than the beetles. Hundreds of thousands are born every year. The toads eat everything including rare Australian animals. The toads are also ядовитые to eat. Animals that eat them die. Though they are unpopular animals, some people like them and keep them as pets or write songs about them.

There are a number of types of crocodiles found in northern Australia, ranging from the potentially dangerous saltwater crocodiles to smaller, more shy, harmless varieties.

They have got snakes too although fears of the ядовитые types are largely exaggerated. They are generally shy creatures, only too ready to avoid trouble. The taipan and the tiger are worth keeping away from.

That is only a small selection of the creatures of the country. Others include пингвины, черепахи, seals and possums.

In the dry areas, you can see an amazing variety of lizards; some to grow a very hefty size.


1. What animals are popular in Australia?

2. What animals have pockets inside their mouths?

3. How do rescue teams help koalas?

4. What animals are «unpopular» in Australia?

5. What words do people often use to describe a cane toad?

6. Are dingoes in the «Good» category?

7. How many cane toads are born every year?

8. Why do animals that eat cane toads die?

9. What snakes are worth keeping away from?

10. What other animals live in Australia?


ugly - уродливый

wombat - вомбат

kangaroo - кенгуру

to disagree - не соглашаться

similiarity - сходство

pocket - карман fume - дым

rescue team - спасательная команда

marsupial - сумчатое животное

spider - паук

shark - акула

dangerous - опасный

poison - яд

antidote - противоядие

jellyfish - медуза

sting - укус, жало

a cane toad - камышовая жаба

beetle - жук

rare - редкий

harmless - безопасный

to exaggerate - преувеличивать

to avoid trouble - избежать опасности

taipan - тайпан (ядовитая змея)

possum - опоссум

seal - тюлень, морской котик

lizard - ящерица

В Австралии есть много животных, которых больше нигде не увидишь. Вы знали это? Конечно, да! Лично я разделяю австралийских животных на три категории: хорошие, плохие и уродливые. Я думаю, это разумно.

Говоря о хороших животных, следует назвать в первую очередь кенгуру.

Существует много различных видов кенгуру. Крупнейшие - серые кенгуру. их рост - 213 см, и они могут бегать со скоростью 56 км в час. Некоторые убегают от вас, затем останавливаются и смотрят. Хотя мы занесли кенгуру в категорию «хороших», фермеры могли бы с этим не согласиться.

Вомбаты и коалы имеют много общего и, возможно, они родственники. И в тех и в других есть защечные мешки для запасов пищи. Ни в тех ни в других нет хвоста. Количество коал уменьшается. Отчасти это происходит из-за дыма от горящих кустарников. Спасательные команды помогают коалам. Они ловят их, надевают респираторы, а когда им становится лучше, возвращают на прежнее место их обитания. В Австралии много сумчатых мышей, что живут в пустыне. Многие из них выходят только ночью.

В Австралии много «непопулярных» животных, включая пауков, которые небезпечні. их можно встретить в Сиднее. Если пауки голодны, они набрасываются на все, что движется. У них острые зубы, и они ядовитые. К счастью, есть противоядие, если вам удастся быстро добраться до больницы. С 1927 г. от укусов погибло 12 человек.

Еще одно животное с острыми зубами и смертельным укусом - акула. Однако, как правило, на пляжах работает береговой патруль и расставлено много сеток для того, чтобы не позволить акулам съесть вас на завтрак. Еще одно животное, которое составляет проблему для любителей позагорать - это медузы. Они похожи на пузыри с голубой жевательной резинки и очень больно жалят, поэтому, когда их много, люди не плавают. Другими «непопулярными» животными являются динго. Это помесь волков и собак. их не любят, потому что они едят домашних животных.

Ну а как насчет уродливых животных? Уродливые - слово, которое часто употребляется для описания тростниковых жаб. Другими словами - жирные, шумные, отвратительные. Они большие, как футбольные мячи! Правительство Квинсленда распорядился завезти тростниковых жаб в Австралию, чтобы они поедали тростниковых жуков. К сожалению, лягушки не могут летать, а жуки могут. Теперь лягушки представляют большую проблему, чем жуки. Ежегодно рождаются сотни тысяч лягушек. Лягушки едят все, включая редких австралийских животных. Лягушки к тому же ядовиты, и их нельзя употреблять в пищу. Те животные, которые их едят, умирают. Хотя они и «непопулярные» животные, некоторым людям нравятся: их держат в домах как своих любимцев и пишут о них песни.

В Северной Австралии встречаются различные виды крокодилов, начиная с потенциально опасных морских крокодилов и кончая небольшими по размеру, более безопасными разновидностями.

В Австралии есть и змеи, хотя люди необоснованно боятся змей ядовитых видов. Это, в основном, осторожные существа, готовы быстро скрыться от опасности. Стоит держаться подальше от тайпана и тигровой змеи.

Это только небольшой перечень животных страны. Другими животными, проживающими в Австралии, есть пингвины, черепахи, морские котики и опоссумы.

В сухих зонах можно увидеть удивительное разнообразие ящериц, некоторые из них вырастают до огромных размеров.

Интересные факты о Австралии на английском языке с переводом помогут узнать много нового об этой стране и подготовиться к уроку.

Australia is the world’s 6th largest country by area.

Due to its large size and isolation from the rest of the world, Australia is sometimes known as the ‘island continent’.

The largest cities in Australia are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.

A desert area known as the ‘outback’ covers much of the land.

The name ‘Australia’ comes from the Latin word ‘australis’, meaning southern.

It is estimated the humans have lived in Australia for around 45000 years.

The indigenous people of Australia are Australian Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.

The highest mountain on mainland Australia is Mt Kosciuszko, standing 2228m (7310ft) above sea level.

The world’s largest reef system, the Great Barrier Reef, is found off the north-eastern coast of Australia.

Australia has a range of different landscapes, including urban areas, mountain ranges, deserts and rain forests.

Australia is home to a variety of unique animals, including the koala, kangaroo, emu, kookaburra and platypus.

Australia has over 750 different reptile species, more than any other country in the world.

Australia is a relatively wealthy country with a high life expectancy.

Australia hosted the 1956 (Melbourne) and 2000 (Sydney) Summer Olympics.

Australia has more than 150 million sheep – about 7.5 times more than its human population.

Интересные факты о Австралии на английском языке

Австралия является 6-й страной в мире по площади.

Из-за большого размера и изоляции от остального мира, Австралия иногда известна как «островный континент».

Крупнейшие города Австралии — Сидней, Мельбурн, Брисбен, Перт и Аделаида.

Область пустыни, известная как «необжитая местность», покрывает большую часть суши.

Название «Австралия» происходит от латинского слова «australis», что означает «южный».

По оценкам, люди жили в Австралии около 45000 лет.

Самая высокая гора на материковой части Австралии — гора Костюшко, которая находится на высоте 2228 м над уровнем моря.

У северо-восточного побережья Австралии находится крупнейшая в мире система рифов — Большой Барьерный риф.

В Австралии есть множество различных ландшафтов, включая городские районы, горные хребты, пустыни и тропические леса.

Австралия является родиной множества уникальных животных, включая коалу, кенгуру, эму, кукабарру и утконоса.

В Австралии насчитывается более 750 различных видов рептилий, больше, чем в любой другой стране мира.

Австралия — относительно богатая страна с высокой ожидаемой продолжительностью жизни.

Австралия принимала Олимпийские игры в 1956 (Мельбурн) и 2000 (Сидней).

В Австралии насчитывается более 150 миллионов овец — примерно в 7.5 раз больше, чем населения.

The isolated geographical position of Australia had great influence on its fauna and flora. That is why many animals and plants developed differently from those on other continents.

Australia is a land of birds and animals which can not be found anywhere else in the world.

Australia’s endemic animals and birds are:

  • the kangaroo
  • the koala
  • the wombat
  • the echidna
  • the platypus
  • the dingo (wild dog)
  • the emu
  • the kookaburra

The most peculiar feature of Australian animals is the pouch (that is a kind of a pocket). The best known of them are the kangaroo and the koala bear.

The kangaroo is a marsupial animal, i.e. an animal that carries babies in the pouch for eight months. It is the largest marsupial in the world. It can weigh 85 kilogrammes.

Australians call a male kangaroo "a boomer", a female kangaroo — "a flyer" and a baby kangaroo — "a joye".

Why a "kangaroo"? When European explorers first saw these strange hopping animals they asked a native Australian Aborigine about their name. He answered "kangaroo" to say "I don’t understand your question".

The explorers thought this was the animal’s name. That is how the kangaroo got its name.

The koala is a small bear - like animal which lives in the eucalyptus trees. Most of its time the koala spends in these trees sleeping. However, they like to eat only some kinds of eucalyptus trees that grow in Australia.

Koala has a black nose and thick furry coat. It can weigh 10 kilogrammes. Though it looks very cuddly it has very sharp teeth and very sharp claws.

The koala’s nickname is a "native bear".

Many people believe that koala is a bear but it is not even related to bears. The koala is related to the kangaroo and the wombat.

The reason why it is called "bear" is that it looks very much like a teddy bear.

The name "koala" is the Aboriginal name for "no water".

The echidna and the platypus are the only two egg-laying mammals in the world.

The echidna is a toothless ant-eater and is an egg-laying mammal.

The platypus is a small animal with a beak of a duck and it also lays eggs.

The dingo is a wild dog about 50 centimetres high and usually sandy-coloured.

There are also such endemic animals as the Tasmanian Devil and the opossum.

Tasmanian Devils live on their own, and come out at night to hunt for food. They eat small birds and mammals, as well as insects. They have black coat and a small bear-shaped head.

There are 800 varieties of birds in Australia. Among them there are emus, eagles, hawks, parrots, cockatoos, lyrebirds, bower-birds, kookaburras and black swans.

The emu is a large bird which runs well but cannot fly. The emu and the kangaroo are represented at the emblem of Australia.

The kookaburra is a popular Australian bird that sounds like a human laughing.

Many beautiful Australian birds have unmelodious voices.

Some of Australia’s fauna can be very dangerous to people. There are crocodiles in the North. There are also spiders and poisonous snakes (death-adder and tiger snake, for example).

Though the emu and the kangaroo are symbols of Australia, there is a very popular animal which is less exotic but it also symbolizes the country. It is a sheep merino which is famous for its fine wool. There is even a monument to the sheep in one of the Australian cities.

Because Australian climate is good for sheep-farming there are a lot of sheep farms (called "sheep stations") in many parts of the country where wool is produced for export. There are around 150 million of sheep.

The climate in Australia is very dry. Because of this there are places like deserts where very little or almost nothing grows.

In the North there are tropical forests, in the north-east there are savannahs and grassland, in the south-east there are forests of eucalyptus or other ever-green trees which never lose their leaves, even in winter.

Some plants cannot be found in other parts of the world either. They are endemic. Its main native plants are wattle (or acacia), eucalyptus (or gum), mulga (mimosa), palm, fern and cedar.

Australia is sometimes called "Kangarooland" and "the Land of wattle", "the Lucky country" or "Down Under".

Перевод некоторых слов:

endemic — эндемический; свойственный данной местности; the kangaroo — кенгуру; the koala bear — коала; the wombat — вомбат (травоядное сумчатое животное); the echidna — ехидна; the platypus — утконос; the emu — эму (страус); the kookaburra — кукабарра, смеющийся зимородок; marsupial — сумчатый; the Tasmanian Devil — тасманский дьявол; merino — меринос (порода овец); wattle — австралийская акация или мимоза; eucalyptus — эвкалипт; gum — камедное дерево (сорт низкорослого эвкалипта); mulga — акация безжилковая; fern — папоротник; cedar — кедр

Данный текст поможет вам написать сочинение по английскому языку для 8, 9, 10, 11 классов на темы "Флора и фауна Австралии", "Животные и растения Австралии", "Австралийская флора и фауна".

There are many animals in Australia that you cannot see anywhere else. Did you know that? Of course, you did! I personally divide Australian animals into three categories: the good, the bad, the ugly. I think, it"s reasonable.

Talking of the good animals, we should mention kangaroos in the first place.

There are many different types of kangaroo. The biggest are the great grey kangaroos. They are 2I3 centimetres tall and can run at 56 kilometres per hour. Some run from you then stop and stare. Though we have put kangaroos in the Good category, farmers might disagree.

Wombats and koalas have many similarities and are probably related. Both have pockets inside their mouths to store food and neither has a tail. The number of koalas is getting smaller. This is partly because of fumes from bush fires. Rescue teams help the koalas by catching them, putting them on respirators, then returning them to their original location when they are better. Australia also has a lot of native marsupial mice that live in the desert. Many of these only come out at night.

You know, there are many animals that are unpopular in Australia including spiders which are dangerous. You can find these in Sydney. If they are hungry, they will attack anything that moves. They have sharp teeth and poison. Luckily, there is an antidote if you can get to hospital quickly. There have been 12 deaths since I927.

Another animal with sharp teeth and a fatal bite is the shark. However, there are normally a lot of beach patrols and protective nets to stop these from eating you for breakfast. Other animals that are a problem for beach lovers are jellyfish.

There are a number of types of crocodiles found in northern Australia, ranging from the potentially dangerous saltwater crocodiles to smaller, more shy, harmless varieties.

They have got snakes too although fears of the poisonous types are largely exaggerated. They are generally shy creatures, only too ready to avoid trouble. The taipan and the tiger are worth keeping away from.

That is only a small selection of the creatures of the country. Others include penguins, turtles, seals and possums.

In the dry areas, you can see an amazing variety of lizards; some grow to a very hefty size.

Животные Австралии

В Австралии есть много животных, которых невозможно больше нигде увидеть. Вы знали об этом? Конечно, да! Лично я делю австралийских животных на три категории: хорошие, плохие и безобразные. Я думаю, это разумно.

Говоря о хороших животных, следует назвать в первую очередь кенгуру.

Существует много различных видов кенгуру. Самые большие - серые кенгуру. Их рост - 213 см, и они могут бегать со скоростью 56 км в час. Некоторые убегают от вас, затем останавливаются и смотрят. Хотя мы занесли кенгуру в категорию хороших , фермеры могли бы с этим не согласиться.

Вомбаты и коалы имеют много общего и, возможно, они родственники. И у тех и у других есть защечные мешки для запасов пищи. Ни у тех, ни у других нет хвоста. Количество коал уменьшается. Отчасти это происходит из-за дыма от горящих кустарников. Спасательные команды помогают коалам. Они ловят их, надевают респираторы, а когда им становится получше, возвращают на прежнее место их обитания. В Австралии много сумчатых мышей, живущих в пустыне. Многие из них выходят только ночью.

В Австралии много непопулярных животных, включая пауков, которые опасны. Их можно встретить в Сиднее. Если пауки голодны, они набрасываются на все, что движется. У них ост-рые зубы, и они ядовиты. К счастью, есть n тивоядие, если вам удастся быстро добраться до больницы. С1927 года от укусов погибло 12 человек.

Еще одно животное с острыми зубами и смертельным укусом - акула. Однако, как правило, на пляжах работает береговой патруль и расставлено много сетей для того, чтобы не позволить акулам съесть вас на завтрак. Еще одно животное, которое представляет проблему для любителей позагорать - это медузы.

В Северной Австралии встречаются различные виды крокодилов, начиная с потенциально опасных морских крокодилов, кончая небольшими по размеру, более безопасными разновидностями.

В Австралии есть и змеи, хотя люди необоснованно так боятся змей ядовитых видов. Это, в основном, осторожные существа, готовые быстро уйти от опасности. Стоит подальше держаться от тайпана и тигровой змеи.

Это только небольшой перечень животных страны. Другими животными, проживающими в Австралии, являются пингвины, черепахи, морские котики и опоссумы.

В сухих зонах можно увидеть изумительное разнообразие ящериц, некоторые из которых вырастают до огромных размеров.

The koala is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native toAustralia. It is the only extant representative of the family Phascolarctidae and its closest living relatives are thewombats. The koala is found in coastal areas of the mainland"s eastern and southern regions, inhabiting Queensland,New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. It is easily recognisable by its stout, tailless body and large head with round, fluffy ears and large, spoon-shaped nose. The koala has a body length of 60–85 cm (24–33 in) and weighs 4–15 kg (9–33 lb). Pelage colour ranges from silver grey to chocolate brown. Koalas from the northern populations are typically smaller and lighter in colour than their counterparts further south. These populations possibly are separatesubspecies, but this is disputed.

Koalas typically inhabit open eucalypt woodlands, and the leaves of these trees make up most of their diet. Because this eucalypt diet has limited nutritional and caloric content, koalas are largely sedentary and sleep up to 20 hours a day. They are asocial animals, and bonding exists only between mothers and dependent offspring. Adult males communicatewith loud bellows that intimidate rivals and attract mates. Males mark their presence with secretions from scent glandslocated on their chests. Being marsupials, koalas give birth to underdeveloped young that crawl into their mothers"pouches, where they stay for the first six to seven months of their lives. These young koalas, known as joeys, are fullyweaned around a year old. Koalas have few natural predators and parasites, but are threatened by various pathogens, such as Chlamydiaceae bacteria and the koala retrovirus, as well as by bushfires and droughts.

Koalas were hunted by indigenous Australians and depicted in myths and cave art for millennia. The first recorded encounter between a European and a koala was in 1798, and an image of the animal was published in 1810 by naturalist George Perry. Botanist Robert Brown wrote the first detailed scientific description of the koala in 1814, although his work remained unpublished for 180 years. Popular artist John Gould illustrated and described the koala, introducing the species to the general British public. Further details about the animal"s biology were revealed in the 19th century by several English scientists. Because of its distinctive appearance, the koala is recognised worldwide as asymbol of Australia. Koalas are listed as of Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The Australian government similarly lists specific populations in Queensland and New South Wales as Vulnerable. The animal was hunted heavily in the early 20th century for its fur, and large-scale cullings in Queensland resulted in a public outcry that initiated a movement to protect the species. Sanctuaries were established, and translocation efforts moved to new regions koalas whose habitat had become fragmented or reduced. The biggest threat to their existence is habitat destruction caused by agriculture and urbanisation.

There are many animals in Australia that you cannot see anywhere else. Did you know that? Of course, you did! I personally divide Australian animals into three categories: the good, the bad, the ugly. I think, it"s reasonable.

Talking of the good animals, we should mention kangaroos in the first place.

There are many different types of kangaroo. The biggest are the great grey kangaroos. They are 213 centimetres tall and can run at 56 kilometres per hour. Some run from you then stop and stare. Though we have put kangaroos in the «Good» category, farmers might disagree.

Wombats and koalas have many similarities and are probably related. Both have pockets inside their mouths to store food and neither has a tail. The number of koalas is getting smaller. This is partly because of fumes from bush fires. Rescue teams help the koalas by catching them, putting them on respirators, then returning them to their original location when they are better. Australia also has a lot of native marsupial mice that live in the desert. Many of these only come out at night.

You know, there are many animals that are «unpopular» in Australia including spiders which are dangerous. You can find these in Sydney. If they are hungry, they will attack anything that moves. They have sharp teeth and poison. Luckily, there is an antidote if you can get to hospital quickly. There have been 12 deaths since 1927.

Another animal with sharp teeth and a fatal bite is the shark. However, there are normally a lot of beach patrols and protective nets to stop these from eating you for breakfast. Other animals that are a problem for beach lovers are jellyfish. They look like bubbles of blue bubble gum and they have a painful sting therefore people do not swim when there are many in the water. Other «unpopular» animals include dingoes. These are a cross between wolves and dogs. They are unpopular because they eat farmers" animals.

Now what about the ugly animals? A word that people often use to describe a cane toad is ugly! Other words include fat, noisy and disgusting. They are also as big as footballs! The Queensland Government brought cane toads to Australia to eat cane beetles. Unfortunately cane toads can"t fly but cane beetles can. Now the toads are more of a problem than the beetles. Hundreds of thousands are born every year. The toads eat everything including rare Australian animals. The toads are also poisonous to eat. Animals that eat them die. Though they are unpopular animals, some people like them and keep them as pets or write songs about them.

There are a number of types of crocodiles found in northern Australia, ranging from the potentially dangerous saltwater crocodiles to smaller, more shy, harmless varieties.

They have got snakes too although fears of the poisonous types are largely exaggerated. They are generally shy creatures, only too ready to avoid trouble. The taipan and the tiger are worth keeping away from.

That is only a small selection of the creatures of the country. Others include penguins, turtles, seals and possums.

In the dry areas, you can see an amazing variety of lizards; some grow to a very hefty size.